Kamis, 14 Februari 2013

Straw, Make Poultry Feed ... Really???

Sidomulyo villages in addition to having the potential of agriculture and handicrafts woven sweet potatoes also still have other potential, namely in the field of animal husbandry. A lot of people Sidomulyo the breeder and they have high enthusiasm in improving the quality of their livestock. Communities have high expectations in the field of animal husbandry in order to improve the economy of the village Sidomulyo.

On Tuesday, January 22, 2013 today farmers receive counseling about PUAP (Rural Agribusiness Development) was to support farmers and ranchers to further expand its business in a farmer group Gapoktan (Farmers Association). Gapoktan is a forum for farmers and ranchers who use the system or the principle of cooperation. Support in the form of program PUAP Rice straw is a waste of potential crops as green feed, especially in arid areas. In the wet, rice straw is given in small amounts. while in the dry season, farmers usually leave the rice straw as sole forage. In because during the rainy season but instead procuring improved forage in the dry season forage procurement is very difficult to obtain. Rice straw contains less protein, fat and starch and crude fiber were relatively high due to high lignin and silica. To improve the digestibility of rice straw and total consumption, rice straw should be treated biologically by using probiotics. Probiotics are products containing biotechnology polimikroorganisme, lignolitik, proteolytic, amylolytic, sellulolitik, lipolytic and non-symbiotic nitrogen that can ferment straw so as to improve the quality and value kecernaannya.

Training the manufacture of animal feed straw by fermentation is done in Banaran hamlet, village Sidomulyo Limpung District. Thursday, 01.22.2013, which was attended by Mr. lurah Sidomulyo. PUAP Secretary (Rural Agribusiness Development), extension farm and livestock groups. Livestock farmers are expected to get some sort of knowledge, and it will not trouble any more about animal feed.
The process of making fermented rice strawTo improve the nutritional quality of rice straw anaerobic fermentation process needs to be done for 21 days. This is done by using probiotics (Probion) as the driver of the degradation process in the rice straw fiber components so it will be more easily digested by the cattle. Anaerobic fermentation process can be done in plastic bags or airtight and biyarkan condition. The process of creation is divided into two stages, namely the stage fermentation and drying stages / storage.The first phase, the newly harvested rice straw from fields gathered in the space provided, and is expected to still have a water content of about 60%. The materials used in the fermentation process are Urea and Probion, which is a mixture of microorganisms that can assist in solving the rice straw fiber components. Fresh rice straw to be made fermented rice straw and urea prepared Starbio used by 6% of the weight of straw rice straw used. And brooded for 21 daysThe second stage, is the process of drying and storage of fermented rice straw. Piles of rice straw that has undergone fermentative process is dried in the sun and aerate so it is quite dry before it is stored in a well protected. After the drying process, the fermented rice straw can be given to ruminants (cattle, goats and sheep) as a food substitute for fresh grass. In this way the utilization of forage in the form of rice straw will be conducted throughout the year and a more efficient use of time and energy breeder.

Sidomulyo's Village Achievements

List accomplishments achieved by the village Sidomulyo are as follows:

     1st Quiz PKK Proclamation of Independence to 41 district. Limpung
     Volly Ball Champion 2 Go XL HUT RI District Limpung
     2 Tournament Champion Football Cup 2008 Gemuh Pecalungan Gemuh Trunk (NGOs RBM)
     3rd Place Best TPS pilgub 2008 (PWI-STEM-Commission Working Group STEM)
     3rd Place Competition Simulation P4 PKK Kes Limpung
      Runner 2 Choir Competition District Level Limpung PKK Mars 2008
     Favorite Champion Best Pilgub TPS 2008 (PWI-STEM-Commission Working Group STEM)
     Trophy Head BP.7 District. rod

Animal Livestock

Type of livestock

13 500

   * Production of livestock
Eggs = 3500 kg / yr
* Availability of forage
· Area of ​​forage crops (elephant grass, etc.) = 1 Ha
· Production of green fodder = 5 tons / ha

Completion of Milk Through Child Nutrition

On January 29, 2013, KKN Team 1 Year 2012-2013 Diponegoro University, Rod did a work program that has been compiled on the LRK. The activity is an increase in child nutrition through the provision of free milk to children in elementary school students Sidomulyo 1 begins from grade 1 to grade VI. Giving milk is important for children to know more about the importance of milk as an element and auxiliary in bone growth and increased intelligence to age prematurely. Milk is also included in section 4 healthy 5 perfect.Activities to increase child nutrition through the provision of free milk is part of the human resource development program of primary school students in the village of Sidomulyo. Giving milk is Work Program last performed on the main proker on human resource development in the village primary school students Sidomulyo. Previous Team KKN1 Village Sidomulyo has implemented programs such as teaching English, to train the children to be thrifty power and instill a sense of care for the environment. The activity was not only done in SD Sidomulyo 1 only, but also performed in Sidomulyo II SD and SD Sidomulyo III.Preparation, education, manufacturing to distribution of milk can be divided into several stages as follows:

Phase One (8:00 to 8:30)Team Bring a variety of purposes such as Milk Chocolate Tins, 2 Gallon Mineral Water, Plastic Glasses and others to the site of the program's objectives, namely to SDN Sidomulyo 01. Then proceed with making milk by standard methods. It aims to avoid milk spilled during a trip to the location.


Phase Two (08:30 to 08:45)Tim Asking Permission to authorities (Principal, Teacher, or a representative) in order to be protected activity As one useful program.

Third Stage (8:45 to 9:15)The team began collecting school children and asked the students to immediately lined up by class, for the distribution of milk more easily and avoid taking milk more than once, Tim accidentally took the time when approaching the break so as not to disturb the teaching and learning activities.]


Fourth Stage (09:15 to 09:30)The team started counseling nutritional importance of milk as a nutritional supplement, led by M. Badrun Judge of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry & Agriculture Undip as an informant. Of course, with language that is easily understood by elementary school students.

Fifth Phase (09:30 to 10:15)This last stage is the stage where the milk is consumed in order to be distributed free of charge by elementary school students Sidomulyo 01


In the feeding activity has no barriers just for making necessary a long time while the time we have just a little bit. However, overall the implementation is going quite well and according to our plan. Perhaps the activity is not too big effect, but if we see the joy they have value within our own happiness. Greetings healthy milk from our Team 1 KKN UNDIP Sidomulyo Village.

The Wilderness of The Tiger From Sidomulyo Village

The village is located in the district Sidomulyo Limpung Batang, Central Java. To be able to get to the village, take the west of the village Limpung about 3 km (Village Donorejo), then to the north about 2 miles. Formerly named Prampogan village because the village is used as nest robbers.
There are 8 hamlet / village / Dukuh in this village, among others:
  1. Dukuh Manggisan
  2. Dukuh Sidomulyo
  3. Dukuh Tinembang
  4. Dukuh Banaran
  5. Dukuh Klinggan
  6. Dukuh Wonoboyo
  7. Dukuh Maron
  8. Dukuh Blimbing